Download Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen
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Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

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If you dream of living in a tiny house, or creating a getaway in the backwoods or your backyard, you’ll love this gorgeous collection of creative and inspiring ideas for tiny houses, cabins, forts, studios, and other microshelters. Created by a wide array of builders and designers around the United States and beyond, these 59 unique and innovative structures show you the limits of what is possible. Each is displayed in full-color photographs accompanied by commentary by the author. In addition, Diedricksen includes six sets of building plans by leading designers to help you get started on a microshelter of your own. You’ll also find guidelines on building with recycled and salvaged materials, plus techniques for making your small space comfortable and easy to inhabit.
- Sales Rank: #12251 in Books
- Brand: Diedricksen, Derek
- Published on: 2015-08-25
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.90" h x .60" w x 7.00" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 256 pages
“Author Derek Diedricksen zeroes in on the DIY art of small living in his new book, Microshelters.�What he finds is a highly motivated, occasionally eccentric community of hobbyists who challenge themselves to pack tons of functionality into spaces that are barely bigger than parking spots.”
– Dwell
From the Back Cover
Discover the Great Big World of "TINY"
Take a wild cross-country road trip with the king of all things small and funky, Deek Diedricksen, to explore the most creative, clever microshelters out there and what makes them work. Chock full of scavenging tips, ideas from leading designers, and a handful of building plans to get you started, this book will have your hammer hand twitching.
About the Author
Derek�“Deek”�Diedricksen is the author of Microshelters. Diedricksen hosts the YouTube channel RelaxshacksDOTcom and has hosted, built, and designed for the HGTV series Extreme Small Spaces and Tiny House Builders, as well as for the DIY Network. His work has been featured on the cover of the New York Times’�Home and Garden section and in the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, the Seattle Times, China’s Bund Pictoral, the Wall Street Journal, Make magazine, and Apartment Therapy; on NPR, CBS, PBS, and ABC; and on the homepage of Diedricksen lives in Stoughton, Massachusetts.
Most helpful customer reviews
26 of 27 people found the following review helpful.
Inspired, value-packed "tiny" shelter resource
By Belle Struck
I received this book as an early birthday present from my daughter, Belle, a few days ago. My head and heart have been pouring over it for two days now and I love it!
I am a THOW (tiny house on wheels) designer/builder/dweller. I own several versions of Deek’s books and all of them evidence his effluvient creative spirit and inventive use of resources. Back in 2012, when I attended his workshop (and slept in the Gypsy Junker, page 142), there were only a few books on the market on tiny houses and/or plans.
This Rennaissance man (father, builder, designer, musician, artist, boy scout leader, community founder) has authored several previous books that are chock full of his amazing drawings and unconventional dream shacks. This publication stands out as a wonderful collection of many micro-shelters around the country that he has filmed and includes some structures we have built in his workshops. Deek’s writing style is charming and his observations succinct. A plethora of tiny shelters are presented with each of their customized storage innovations and construction materials in bold living color.
I highly recommend it as a first book to any tiny house enthusiast for all of its tips on tools, salvaging strategy, construction basics, micro shelter plans and affordable d�cor ideas. Whether you are planning to construct a backyard tree house, mini-studio, office or a year-round tiny home, this book needs to be in your hands, dog-eared, enjoyed, used, and cherished for years to come.
Those of us who live in tiny houses are very minimal in what stuff we keep. I have only 30 treasured books in my 184 square foot tiny house on wheels; and this is the third one from Deek! He inspired me three years ago to fulfill my Silver Bullet Tiny House challenge, and I passionately believe Deek’s micro shelters book will inspire you too!
24 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
I love to learn about others who share my passion for ...
By JmoffettK
I received my pre-ordered copy of Micro Shelters yesterday. I have barely put it down since! As a Tiny House dweller, I love to learn about others who share my passion for diminutive abodes. This book has it all! The photos are amazing! The back story of each structure is fascinating, and Deek points out his own favorite features of every one. In addition to all this...are sections on tools, the beauty of using salvaged materials, and tips for the tiny budget. As if that was not enough, the final section is comprised of plans for six unique tiny structures...for those inclined to build their own, but needing a place to start. This book will appeal to lovers of "Tiny" at any/all stages of their journey...dreamers, builders, dwellers, as well as lovers of all creative design. Oh, and did I mention, for those not familiar with Deek's work, that the book exudes a humor, in both text and illustration, that had me laughing out loud well after midnight (by lantern light). I am so inspired...I'm heading out to do a little dumpster diving!
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Fabulously Inspiring
By Amanda Kovattana
I have a collection of tiny house books which includes Deek's first book that I so loved because it was filled with such playfulness and imagination. This book with its full color pictures and eclectic sensibilities is so inspiring I could hardly sleep after reading it too close to bedtime. Still there are his comic book drawings of wacky shelter ideas, but the pictures of the actual building feats are so deliciously real that my mind enters another realm.
This latest book distinguishes itself with a broad scope of buildings from simple shacks to ones on trailers to tree houses to push carts. Not only is it a collection of notable like minded shelters across the country, but it includes many of Deek's own wonderful designs. Deek delights the eye with his sense of color and design. He even offers decorating advice. Coupled with his frugal salvage-collecting sensibilities every project embodies an eco ethic and available-materials driven direction that makes every build a unique work of art.
The handful of solution oriented plans at the end push the envelope as to what it is possible to live in in terms of real world utility. In particular the Woodsy Wagon pushcart and the Permatent with its outside kitchen and shower. These plans drawn up by Deek and others conjure up the spirit of the tiny house community in terms of a larger movement. But this is the book that really makes me want to get up and build something for the pure joy of it. Deek shows me in his colorful photos of every detail of these micro shelters and in his layman's terms (and plenty of made up ones too), how easily it can be done.
See all 133 customer reviews...
Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen PDF
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Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen PDF
Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen PDF
Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen PDF
Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures, by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen PDF